You need: "Avril" PTU Scrapkit by Addictive Pleasures which you can purchase at Dreams-N-Digital, a tube, I use the gorgeous artwork by OrkusArt which you can purchase at PicsForDesign
1. Open a new transparent canvas 650x650px, with shape tool circle draw a circle of approximately 550x550px (foreground off/background black), convert to rasterlayer, press STRG X, STRG L, so it is in the center of the canvas, now select all, selection float, selection defloat, delete layer, open p10.png, copy and paste as new layer, selection invert, press delete, select none, duplicate circle layer and switch off the visibility of one (we need it later), highlight the one that is visible, selection, custom selection Left 300/Top 0/Right 350/Bottom 650, press delete, select none, add Dropshadow 2/2/20/4 #000000
2. With shape tool circle (foreground black/background off), Line Style Diamond, Width 2, draw now a diamond lined circle which is a little bigger than the other circle, convert to rasterlayer and press STRG X, STRG L again, so it is in the center of the canvas, add Dropshadow, arrange layer, send to bottom
3. With shape tool square draw a square of approximately 435x435px (foreground off/background black), convert to rasterlayer, press STRG X, STRG L, free rotate 45 degrees right, select all, selection float, selection defloat, delete layer, add new rasterlayer, open p7.png, set to pattern (Angle 0/Scale 50), fill selection with pattern, select none, add Dropshadow, arrange layer above the circle diamond line layer, delete all empty layers in your tag
4. Highlight top layer, open glitter.png, copy and paste as new layer, move it up to the left, duplicate layer, move it to the right side, merge down, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange layer, send to bottom
5. Highlight top layer again, open wire.png, resize 35%, copy and paste as new layer, free rotate 45 degrees left, move it up to the left, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange layer above glitter layer
6. Highlight top layer, open stars.png, copy and paste as new layer, move it down to the right, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, open bow3.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move it up, add Dropshadow, open labels2.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move it up to the left, add Dropshadow
7. Open FLOWER.png, resize 75%, copy and paste as new layer, move it down to the left, add Dropshadow, open decor.png, free rotate 70 degrees left, resize 40%, copy and paste as new layer, place it in the center of the flower, add Dropshadow
8. Open your tube now, resize if needed, copy and paste as new layer, place as you wish, add Dropshadow, if you need to remove some parts of it you can take the help of the circle we made invisible - switch on the visibility of it and highlight this layer, select all, selection float, selection defloat, selection invert, now set selection setting to Remove and remove these parts of the selection that shall not be deleted from the tube, if everything is fine, highlight tube layer, press delete, then deselect
9. Open string.png, copy and paste as new layer, image mirror, move it down to the right to hide what we cut from the tube, with selection tool freehand remove a part of the right side of the string, select none, add Dropshadow
10. Open screw.png, resize 15%, adjust, Hue/Saturation, colorize 0/0, adjust Brightness/Contrast -100/0, copy and paste as new layer, place it on one knot of the string bow, duplicate layer, free rotate 60 degrees right, place it on the other string bow, add Dropshadow to both
You can write down your name and/or text now, please add copyright information and save your tag as .png or .jpg! Hope you like my tut ♥
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