You need: "Love Poetry" PTU Tagger Kit by Tinas Magical Scrap World which you can purchase at Sophisti-Scraps, an adorable tube, I am using the beautiful artwork of Lisa aka Sophisticated Scraps which is available for purchase real soon and mask ginasgems_mask4.jpg by Gina
1. Open mask in PSP, open a new transparent canvas 700x600px, flood fill with white, add new raster layer, select all, open TMW_LP_Paper5.jpg, copy and paste into selection, select none, layers, new masklayer, from image, load ginasgems_mask4.jpg, source luminance checked, merge group, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down
2. Selection, Custom Selection Left 35/Top 143/Right 665/Bottom 457, open TMW_LP_Paper4.jpg, copy and paste as new layer, selection invert, press delete, select none, add Dropshadow 1/1/40/2 #000000, repeat with -1/-1/40/2 #000000
3. Selection, Custom Selection Left 70/Top 143/ Right 103/Bottom 457, copy TMW_LP_Paper5.jpg, paste as new layer, selection invert, press delete, select none, duplicate layer, image mirror, merge down, add Dropshadow 0/1/40/2 #000000, repeat with 0/-1/40/2 #000000
4. Open TMW_LP_HeartStitches1.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move to the left, duplicate layer, image mirror, merge down, add Dropshadow 1/1/40/2 #000000
5. Open TMW_LP_Frame2.png, resize 70%, copy and paste as new layer, add Dropshadow, with the magic wand tool click into the frame, selection, modify, expand 7px, open TMW_LP_Paper17.jpg, copy and paste as new layer, move it as far to the left as possible, selection invert, press delete, select none, arrange layer - move down
6. Open TMW_LP_GlitterHearts2.png, copy and paste as new layer, move it up, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange layer above mask layer
7. Open TMW_LP_HeartWire1.png, resize 40%, copy and paste as new layer, move it up and a little to the right, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange layer above the GlitterHearts layer
8. Highlight top layer, open TMW_LP_HeartLabel2.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move it up to the left and place it below the left upper corner of the frame, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange layer above the HeartWire layer
9. Highlight top layer again, open TMW_LP_PearlDoodle1.png, resize 400px, copy and paste as new layer, place it into the left upper corner of the frame, add Dropshadow, open TMW_LP_KeyRing1.png, resize 35%, copy and paste as new layer, place it into the right upper corner of the frame, add Dropshadow
10. Open TMW_LP_HeartBox3.png, resize 35%, copy and paste as new layer, move it down to the left, add Dropshadow, open TMW_LP_RoseBlossom1.png, resize 30%, image mirror, copy and paste as new layer, move it into the lower right corner of the frame, add Dropshadow
11. Highlight frame layer, open TMW_LP_Ribbon4.png, resize 65%, copy and paste as new layer, free rotate 90 degrees right, move it to the right side of the frame, add Dropshadow, open TMW_LP_Ribbon1.png, resize 65%, copy and paste as new layer, move it down, add Dropshadow
12. Open your tube now, resize if needed, copy and paste as new layer and place her as you wish, you can write your name and/or text, add copyright information please and save your tag as .png or .jpg! Please enjoy!
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