Freitag, 24. September 2010

Tutorial "Doctor, Doctor"

This tutorial was written by me on 24th September 2010. It was done with PSP9 but it might work with other versions, too. This tutorial is copyrighted to me, any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intentional!

You need: "Doctor, Doctor" Scrapkit by PolkaDotScraps, which you can purchase at Twilight Scraps, WSL_Mask362.jpg by Chelle, Font Jigga Jigga and Effect VM Extravaganza - Transmission

1. Open mask in PSP, open a new transparent canvas 650x650px, flood fill with white, add new rasterlayer, select all, open PDS_DD- paper8.jpg, copy and paste into selection, select none, layers, new masklayer, from image, load WSL_Mask362.jpg, source luminance checked, merge group, Effects, VM Extravaganza, Transmission - Line Width 6/Offset 0/Contrast 40

2. Open PDS_DD- element29.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move down to the left (Position x 0/Position y 317), duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow 1/1/30/2 #000000

3. Selection tool, custom selection Top 70/Left 150/Bottom 580/Right 500, open PDS_DD- paper6.jpg, copy and paste as new layer, selection invert, press delete, selection invert, selection, modify, expand 2px, copy paper PDS_DD- paper8.jpg, paste as new layer, selection invert, press delete, selection invert, selection, modify, contact 35px, press delete, select none, add Dropshadow 1/1/30/2 #000000, repeat with -1/-1/30/2 #000000

4. Open PDS_DD- element13.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, image mirror, move it up to the right corner of the frame, duplicate layer, image mirror, image flip, merge down, add Dropshadow, arrange this layer under the red paper layer

5. Highlight top layer, open PDS_DD- element11.png, resize 35%, copy and paste as new layer, move it to the right, add Dropshadow 1/1/30/2 #000000, open PDS_DD- element27.png, resize 10%, copy and paste as new layer, free rotate 20 degrees right, move it to the right, place it onto the element, add Dropshadow

6. Open PDS_DD- element10.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, move it up to the right corner of the frame, add Dropshadow, open PDS_DD- element7.png, resize 40%, copy and paste as new layer, free rotate 10 degrees right, move it up to the left corner of the frame, add Dropshadow, open PDS_DD- element14.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, image mirror, free rotate 60 degrees right, move it up to the left, remove the tip of the needle

7. Now open your font and write your text onto the clipboard, chose different sizes for the words, if you are satisfied, convert to rasterlayer, free rotate 10 degrees right, add Dropshadow, open PDS_DD- element8.png, resize 15%, copy and paste as new layer, free rotate 35 degrees right, place it onto the clipboard too, add Dropshadow

8. Open your tube, copy and paste as new layer, resize if needed, place as you wish, add Dropshadow, open PDS_DD- element2.png, resize 50%, copy and paste as new layer, image mirror, move it down to the left, add Dropshadow

9. With your font write down your name and place it on the lower part of the frame, add copyright information please and save your tag as .png or .jpg! Hope you like the tut, please enjoy!

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